Every kid is terrified of the high dive, yet because of peer pressure and other reasons they take the jump. Climbing the ladder, they regret their decision, looking for a way out, but they look back and see the line of kids prodding them along. In shear terror they make the leap, and come up out of the water realizing that it wasn’t that bad and kind of fun, but they don’t want to go through that again.
Sharing your faith can feel similar, but it doesn’t have to.
We’ve all been there. We want to be a witness, we feel the pressure to go for it—we make the jump and reach out, then realize it wasn’t that bad but don’t want to go through that again sealing evangelism's fate of it ever becoming a lifestyle. This is why many believers have a hard time sharing their faith. We put so much pressure on a moment, psyche ourselves up, push through fear of being misunderstood and rejected and we plow through.
Sharing the love of God with another was never meant
to be shared from pressure and performance,
but from rest and the overflow of your life in God.
Here are three keys to
Pressure Free Evangelism:
Romans 6:5 says that believers have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection. That means we die with Him and are alive in Him. This is more than a theory, but a present reality. It is a work of God’s grace, not to be earned, but what believers receive by faith. The love of God is overwhelming when this beautiful and eternal truth is received, making children of God feel safe and secure to part with anything sinful or destructive.
This reality is the birthplace of an overflowing life in Jesus—shame, guilt, sin and accusation have been nailed to the cross, and we are now alive in Him, and confident to share what He has done in us. Thanksgiving, rejoicing and exuberant praise is the only proper response to this revelation of the Gospel. A thankful, rejoicing life is an overflowing and powerful life.
The next time you want to share Christ with someone, start with authentic praise from your heart to the Lord—then let it overflow to others by sharing what God has done for you!
2. Jesus is the Savior of the world, not you.
Many believers take on the pressure of being the super Christian whose responsibility is to make sure others believe like us, even if it means arguing and becoming a salesman with the Gospel. This belief turns people off and doesn’t reveal Christ to anyone.
Instead, share a testimony of what the Lord has done in your life. Love the person in front of you and treat them like Jesus would.
3. The Holy Spirit is the greatest evangelist.
The Spirit of God knows exactly what each person needs to show He cares about them and is revealing Himself to them. As we learn how to recognize what God is doing in the moment, we will have a better understanding of how to partner with Him. This is called co-laboring with the Holy Spirit which is where the power happens, and evangelism becomes fun and easy, free from pressure.