1Hope4America is partnering with churches across the United States to host revival meetings and crusades in order to mobilize and equip the Body of Christ to know their true identity in Jesus, carry revival, and walk out the Great Commission to go and reach America with the Gospel of the Kingdom!
1 Hope 4 America was founded by Tom Crandall. Tom is an Evangelist who has been preaching the Gospel since he had a radical encounter with God over 26 years ago. He is currently the overseer of Evangelism and Young Saints, the Youth Movement, at Bethel Church in Redding, California. Tom and his wife Leslie have served together in full-time ministry for over nineteen years, eleven of which have been at Bethel where he serves on the Senior Leadership Team. In all that he does, Tom has given his life to see a generation encounter God, step into freedom, discover their identity, and send them out as revivalists to impact their world with the Gospel. Over the years, Tom began to receive God’s heart to see a revival sweep America—to see America Saved. After seeing thousands transformed by the power of God and the message of Jesus, a growing conviction has consumed Tom that America needs the simple Gospel and the power and love of God, and he simply said yes God, I will go.
We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel, heal the sick, release the captives and do the same things that he did to usher in the Kingdom of God on earth.
No matter where you come from, what your background is or what church you belong to, you are positioned for such a time as this to reach your family, your friends and your community with the hope of the Gospel. Whether you attend a gathering, read our blog or invest in the cause, know that you are a key part of the revival that is sweeping across America and we’re honored to run alongside you.
Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest information about upcoming gatherings and ways to get involved in your city.