By Tom Crandall
September 20, 2024
What is the worth of a soul? Charles Spurgeon once said, “Consider how precious a soul must be when both God and the devil are after it.” The other day, I was at Walmart when a man walked past me, and I heard the Holy Spirit say something about his mom. So I followed him down the aisle, approached him with a smile on my face, and said, “Excuse me, sometimes God talks to me for people. I just heard Him say something about your mom. Does that mean anything to you?” He replied, “That is crazy because she has caused me pain my whole life by abandoning me.” The conversation opened up, and I was able to explain what it means to be born again and how to start a relationship with God. It was amazing as the love of God touched this man with my arm around his shoulder, and he gave his life to Christ right there in Walmart! The Bible calls Satan the “god” of this world, and he has led many to a place of despair, anguish, and torment through lies, pain, and sin, magnified through his numbing concoction of temporary satisfaction that eases the pain for a moment till it wears off. This cycle of symptom management continues until the person encounters the Living God, hears the gospel, and has an opportunity to respond! America’s new drug of choice is not sex, drugs, and rock and roll , but a political spirit that seeks to blind and inoculate people from reality. This spirit says, “Take sides,” “Say anything in order to win,” or the opposite, “You’d better not say anything,” or “It doesn’t matter, stay out of it.” Ultimately this spirit is terrified of everyday believers following the Way, the Truth, and the Life! It is a spirit of fear and intimidation that seeks to get you to disengage and not stand for anything. The world needs believers to stand and shine with love and truth! People are looking for hope amidst the uncertainties of inflation and for freedom from confusion over what is right or wrong. Millions have been deceived by the masquerading of abortion as “healthcare,” only to find out that decision brings no freedom—only pain, trauma, guilt and shame. What is called “gender affirming care” is, in fact, the mutilation of our children, sometimes before they are old enough to make such a life-altering, irreversible decision. Racism flares up as the false prophets of the media continue to pit us against each other through selected newsclips and one-sided reporting. Who can rescue America from this deception!? The battle we are facing is not political; it is spiritual. Lies about gender, abortion, free sex with whomever, and the deception of sin are keeping Americans dead, disconnected and deceived. We need an awakening! Christians are told not to get political and not to have an opinion about current affairs—just stick to the script. As Abraham Lincoln said of the Civil War, “Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.” My friend, you might not want to get involved, but you already are involved. The war has come to us! We have a responsibility as citizens of this great country to vote and choose who will lead America. Let’s be real, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for more depraved trans ideology being pushed on our children, pornography in our classrooms, thousands of children “lost” at the border and trafficked into sex-slavery. At the recent debate, Trump asked Harris if she would restrict abortion in the last few months of pregnancy, and folks, you saw her reaction. By refusing to answer the question, she very obviously answered that she would not restrict abortion up until birth. That means babies who feel everything being barbarically ripped apart! How can we be silent? How does this relate to the young man who got saved in Walmart? When evil goes unchecked in a nation, it influences everyone. If you’re following Jesus, it’s time to take a stand for righteousness and see the tide turn. We have to let our light shine so that the people blinded by the encroaching darkness can see the truth. But let me be clear, I am full of hope as I look at the current state of America because when I read the Bible and spend time with the Author, I see that God is the master at turning things around. The gospel through George Whitfield was what galvanized the hearts of the thirteen colonies to look to God and not a man for freedom, winning their independence in the American Revolution. It was the gospel that rocked the boat and began to dismantle the slave trade through Charles Finney in America during the Civil War. And it will be followers of Christ once again standing up for righteousness that will turn the tide in America today. If you are waiting for the next Billy Graham or big name preacher to save us, then you are looking at the wrong thing. We will vote soon for the next president of the United States as every American should, but America already has a King, and His name is Jesus. You can’t vote Him in or out. My friend, if you are following Him, now is the time to shine at home, school, work, social media, and on November 5th as we vote from Biblical values to protect children, life in the womb, end inflation, policies that protect families, and uphold the constitution. If every Christian voted in America we would turn this nation for righteousness in one day. It’s time to bring heaven to earth like never before. Heal the sick, cast out demons and cause an awakening in your community! You are carrying a hurricane called heaven on the inside of you—release it! I have never seen darkness and light fight it out as I switch a light on in a room—darkness leaves immediately! It’s time for the church in America to switch the light of the gospel on. And you will watch the darkness flee as another great awakening is ushered into America!