3 Keys to Receiving What Jesus Paid For

Tom Crandall • February 24, 2022

3 Keys to Receiving What Jesus Paid For

Can you imagine receiving a gift on Christmas—adoring the box and beautiful bow, yet never opening the gift?

It’s possible to be in church for a lifetime and not receive the treasures of what’s been paid for.

In the past few months I have found myself in a deep dive in understanding the simple message of the gospel. The Spirit of God has been highlighting different aspects of the cross, the blood of Jesus and the new nature that we have received as a result of it. 

I want to share 3 truths with you that have started to revolutionize my life in recent times:

1. Righteousness is a gift from God that can’t be earned—it must be received by faith.

Righteousness means right standing with God—a position that no man can earn. The law reveals God’s holy nature, and man’s sinfulness. The law is good, and gives us the definition of sin, but can’t give life to anyone. Instead, it leaves us in a place of needing forgiveness and grace. It’s like a doctor that is able to diagnose a disease but unable to offer a cure. Jesus is the cure for the disease of sin and sickness that we all need.

Many Christians try to earn their right standing before God with their good deeds and noble offerings, not realizing that Jesus has already paved the way for them. Their efforts are in vain and soon enough they burn out and wonder why they are not sensing God’s approval on their life. Self righteousness just leads to more self and focusing on sin management as the barometer for the righteousness you carry—a religious treadmill that never stops.

We don’t live for righteousness, we live from it!

In case you don’t have a relationship with God yet, you can click HERE to read my blog on “How to start a relationship with God”.

If you are a child of God, you are righteous not because of what you do, but because of what Jesus has done for you on the cross.

Meditate on these verses:

2 Corinthians 5:21

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Romans 5:17

“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5:1

“Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5:20

“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,”

Peace is the result of trusting that God has made you righteous before you feel it, see it, or do anything to prove it.

Focusing on our shortcomings and failures will never set us free, but only perpetuate more bondage. Looking to Jesus (John 3:14-16) is how we get free and receive the gift of righteousness.


  • Ask yourself: Is there anything you need to surrender to Jesus?
  • Take a few minutes to let the blood of Jesus wash you from the inside out.
  • Spend some time meditating on the fact that you are already fully righteous before God, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. If you are righteous in nature, how do you believe God sees you? Good or bad?


  • “Jesus, you are Lord of my life. Thank you that your blood was enough to make me fully right with you.”
  • “I am standing pure and righteous before the throne of God right now, not because of what I did but because of what Jesus has done!”
  • “I receive your peace you paid for in every area of my life.”

2. Faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has brought us into full union with Christ.

Romans 6:4–5: “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

For if we have been UNITED together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,”

United means to identify with, to be like, to be one with.

We are in union, oneness with Christ! Our old sinful nature is nailed to the cross, buried in the grave and we are resurrected with Jesus—alive in Him!

Just as a man and a woman getting married die to the single life and become one with their spouse, so we die to our old, sinful life and become one in spirit with Jesus.

Ephesians 2:6 (NLT):

“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.”

Romans 6:11

“Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  • Become aware of your union with Christ and take time to thank Him for being closer than the skin on your bones.
  • See all temptation and sin as something outside of you. It is not who you are.
  • Meditate on the reality that God lives in you on your best and worst day—He promised He would never leave you.


  • "I am hidden with Christ in God."
  • "I have the mind of Christ."
  • "I am one with Christ."
  • “I am no longer separated from God. Every feeling of loneliness is a mere illusion, because I know that I am one with Christ in my spirit man!”

3. Our identity in Christ becomes a reality as we renew our minds.

Oftentimes life happens and we don’t feel saved, at peace, or free. But God and His Word never change—we can come to Him just as we are at any time, in any situation, and He will receive us and transform us.

It is so important to not interpret God’s word through the lens of our experience, but instead interpret our experiences through the lens of God’s Word. Your perception might be wrong, but His word never changes or fails.

Romans 12:2 (NIV84): “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Ephesians 4:22–24 (NIV): “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Galatians 5:24 (Passion Translation) “Keep in mind that we who belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, have already experienced crucifixion. For everything connected with our self-life was put to death on the cross and crucified with Messiah.”

HERE is a blog called “Receiving Righteousness” that I believe will help you in the process of growing in your identity.

The renewal of the mind happens as our faith aligns with Him by doing the following:

  • Feasting on His Word
  • Reviewing testimonies of what God has done
  • Praise and worship
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Declaration


  • Give God thanks for what He has accomplished on the cross for you.
  • How is the Holy Spirit leading you to renew your mind with what Jesus has accomplished for you?
  • Take time to receive the love of God, His grace, and His perception of you.


  • “My mind is continuously being renewed by the Word of God, and as a result my life is continuously growing to look more like Christ!”
  • "I am a new creation."
  • "I am covered by mercy, and empowered by grace to live bold in Christ!"

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By Tom Crandall September 20, 2024
What is the worth of a soul? Charles Spurgeon once said, “Consider how precious a soul must be when both God and the devil are after it.” The other day, I was at Walmart when a man walked past me, and I heard the Holy Spirit say something about his mom. So I followed him down the aisle, approached him with a smile on my face, and said, “Excuse me, sometimes God talks to me for people. I just heard Him say something about your mom. Does that mean anything to you?” He replied, “That is crazy because she has caused me pain my whole life by abandoning me.” The conversation opened up, and I was able to explain what it means to be born again and how to start a relationship with God. It was amazing as the love of God touched this man with my arm around his shoulder, and he gave his life to Christ right there in Walmart! The Bible calls Satan the “god” of this world, and he has led many to a place of despair, anguish, and torment through lies, pain, and sin, magnified through his numbing concoction of temporary satisfaction that eases the pain for a moment till it wears off. This cycle of symptom management continues until the person encounters the Living God, hears the gospel, and has an opportunity to respond! America’s new drug of choice is not sex, drugs, and rock and roll , but a political spirit that seeks to blind and inoculate people from reality. This spirit says, “Take sides,” “Say anything in order to win,” or the opposite, “You’d better not say anything,” or “It doesn’t matter, stay out of it.” Ultimately this spirit is terrified of everyday believers following the Way, the Truth, and the Life! It is a spirit of fear and intimidation that seeks to get you to disengage and not stand for anything. The world needs believers to stand and shine with love and truth! People are looking for hope amidst the uncertainties of inflation and for freedom from confusion over what is right or wrong. Millions have been deceived by the masquerading of abortion as “healthcare,” only to find out that decision brings no freedom—only pain, trauma, guilt and shame. What is called “gender affirming care” is, in fact, the mutilation of our children, sometimes before they are old enough to make such a life-altering, irreversible decision. Racism flares up as the false prophets of the media continue to pit us against each other through selected newsclips and one-sided reporting. Who can rescue America from this deception!? The battle we are facing is not political; it is spiritual. Lies about gender, abortion, free sex with whomever, and the deception of sin are keeping Americans dead, disconnected and deceived. We need an awakening! Christians are told not to get political and not to have an opinion about current affairs—just stick to the script. As Abraham Lincoln said of the Civil War, “Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.” My friend, you might not want to get involved, but you already are involved. The war has come to us! We have a responsibility as citizens of this great country to vote and choose who will lead America. Let’s be real, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for more depraved trans ideology being pushed on our children, pornography in our classrooms, thousands of children “lost” at the border and trafficked into sex-slavery. At the recent debate, Trump asked Harris if she would restrict abortion in the last few months of pregnancy, and folks, you saw her reaction. By refusing to answer the question, she very obviously answered that she would not restrict abortion up until birth. That means babies who feel everything being barbarically ripped apart! How can we be silent? How does this relate to the young man who got saved in Walmart? When evil goes unchecked in a nation, it influences everyone. If you’re following Jesus, it’s time to take a stand for righteousness and see the tide turn. We have to let our light shine so that the people blinded by the encroaching darkness can see the truth. But let me be clear, I am full of hope as I look at the current state of America because when I read the Bible and spend time with the Author, I see that God is the master at turning things around. The gospel through George Whitfield was what galvanized the hearts of the thirteen colonies to look to God and not a man for freedom, winning their independence in the American Revolution. It was the gospel that rocked the boat and began to dismantle the slave trade through Charles Finney in America during the Civil War. And it will be followers of Christ once again standing up for righteousness that will turn the tide in America today. If you are waiting for the next Billy Graham or big name preacher to save us, then you are looking at the wrong thing. We will vote soon for the next president of the United States as every American should, but America already has a King, and His name is Jesus. You can’t vote Him in or out. My friend, if you are following Him, now is the time to shine at home, school, work, social media, and on November 5th as we vote from Biblical values to protect children, life in the womb, end inflation, policies that protect families, and uphold the constitution. If every Christian voted in America we would turn this nation for righteousness in one day. It’s time to bring heaven to earth like never before. Heal the sick, cast out demons and cause an awakening in your community! You are carrying a hurricane called heaven on the inside of you—release it! I have never seen darkness and light fight it out as I switch a light on in a room—darkness leaves immediately! It’s time for the church in America to switch the light of the gospel on. And you will watch the darkness flee as another great awakening is ushered into America!
By Tom Crandall July 17, 2024
The voice of God spared us from going to the Trump Rally in Butler, PA last Saturday. Here is the story: Upon my family’s arrival in Western Pennsylvania to visit family on vacation, my mother-in-law informed us there was a Trump Rally happening in Buttler, and she had acquired two free tickets to attend. My daughter and I were instantly excited to go, but a schedule conflict unfolded as my sister-in-law had a birthday on Saturday, and the whole family was planning to go to dinner together at 5, which meant we had to choose between the two events. As cold as this might sound, I said we can celebrate her birthday every year, we’re going to the Trump rally! My sister-in-law totally understood and was excited for us. But the night before the rally, my daughter’s heart was torn and felt like we needed to prioritize celebrating family. The next morning, my in-laws drove me to Butler which was only 30 minutes away to scope out the venue for the rally, and see where to park, while we waited to see if my daughter felt the same. The impression to prioritize family remained, and I gladly followed my daughter’s conviction. After dinner that night as we drove home around 6:15, I tuned in to the rally to witness live shots fired. Trump hit the ground then pumped his fist shouting, “fight!” as he was escorted off the stage. I was in shock along with the rest of the world, but was instantly grateful that God had ordered our steps to avoid possible danger, trauma or even the unthinkable. The interesting thing was that my daughter didn’t even realize that she was following the voice of God, but was just doing what felt right. As her father I knew God was speaking to her in the moment and we needed to follow. 4 things that stood out to me from this event: God is always speaking to us for our good, but we have to trust and respond in obedience. God speaks in many different ways , but the key is making sure it lines up with the Bible and we learn to recognize Presence over form, of which in this case it was through my 15 year old daughter. She will never forget this lesson and neither will I. America is in great need of another great awakening. The moral climate in a nation is always dark before a bright light dawns. The revival that is coming will be much bigger than a nice church service, there is a stir happening in the hearts of people across the land that have been drinking woke Kool-Aid or bitterness and anger that are now seeking hope because the previous season of life has gotten them nowhere but depressed, anxious, and hopeless. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). There is still only 1Hope4America. God can take a mess like this and turn it around and use it for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28). We grieve for Cory Comperatore’s family—an unfathomable loss. He left behind an example of a selfless man who shielded his family with his own body—his first reaction to the sound of gun fire—a true American hero. What happened at the rally was unthinkable on so many levels. I am grateful that former President Trump is ok, and I agree with the doctor who treated him that this was a miracle. A near death experience will change any man, and this was as near as it gets! He must know that every day forward is truly a gift. Let's pray the grace of God would continue to soften President Trump, hearts across our land, and that the vitriol on every side would cease as the goodness of God continues to be on display through tragedy and triumph to turn the heart of America back to Him! P.S. Check out the latest podcast with Tom and Dr. Van Mol. Most leaders feel ill-equipped regarding the transgender/gender dysphoria topic. Understanding its complexities, and knowing what to do as pastors, leaders, and parents has been a challenge. Dr. André Van Mol is a leading voice on this topic, he is a part of the American College of Pediatricians and stood with allied groups in Washington, DC at a press conference and released a declaration protecting children that was shared by Elon Musk and Dr. Jordan Peterson getting over 54 million views. This podcast will inform, empower, and fill you with hope for what you can do to cause change.
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